Working from home tips and advice – staying productive

As someone who’s worked from home for the past 6 years, I feel I’m in a pretty good position to give some advice for helping to stay productive to people that are new to this from home style of working throughout the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Establish a routine
It doesn’t have to be strict but create a set of working hours, and off work times. Don’t be at work or available constantly. Separate when you’re working, and when you’re not. Get up, and go to work.
Write a list of the tasks you’re going to achieve today, or have a set timetable and stick to it.
Get dressed for work
In my early days of working from home, I fell into this trap, quite badly, working in my PJs constantly. Yes, it may be comfortable but it certainly won’t help with your mind set in ‘going to work’ and in turn your productivity will suffer.
A good rule I’ve found is, would you answer the door to someone in that outfit and be embarrassed? Maybe lose the onesie, and opt for a comfy jumper & jeans. Be comfy, but wear actual clothes!
Have a designated work space
This helps more in switching off from work. At the end of the day you close the laptop, turn off the desktop and you’re done. You get to ‘walk away’ from work at the end of the day.
Turn off distractions
Especially the TV. Put on the radio instead, or some background music if you can’t work in total silence. Try “Alexa, play music for office friendly acoustic” or “background acoustic for work”
Take regular breaks – remember to eat!
Treat your working day exactly as you would if you were at work and take your lunch break!
You get the added bonus of being at home so cook something delicious & watch an episode of something on Netflix, enjoy the benefits of working from home.
If you’re sat at your computer for long periods of time, get up and just walk about the house for a minute. I use this time to do some odd jobs – stick some laundry on, take those shoes back upstairs, water the plants.
During this 3 week ‘stay at home’ period, we get an hour exercise outside a day. Use it! Schedule it in to your new working routine and enjoy it. Even if it is just a walk around your neighbourhood.
Stay in contact
Pick up the phone and talk to people outside your household, use video calls to catch up with loved ones. During this time, I’m sure many of us will just miss the small interactions we were used to every day with so many different people, use this time as an excuse to check in on people and catch up.
Get off social media for a bit
We can agree we are all guilty of this one. Social media can be a giant waste of time if you aren’t careful.
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