Winter 2017 Marketing Tips

Did you know that 90% of what we remember comes from visuals. It’s important to create a strong, clear brand, using good informative infographics & high quality photography that reflects your business are important.
How often do you receive actual physical mail these days? Not that often, right? Why not make yourself stand out from the 4,000 emails by sending a physical, hand written thank you card or use it as a way to announce a new product/service.
Focus on solving your customers’ problems rather than pushing your product. No one likes to be sold to, but everyone loves to buy!
Make your #DomainName and business name easy to remember! Studies have shown that businesses with difficult to remember, or pronounce, names actually end up making less money than those that are easy!
We’ve said this time and time again, but that’s only because it’s important. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly! Google says 61% of users won’t return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing.
“Mobile & tablet internet exceeded desktop internet usage worldwide for the 1st time in October 2016”
Do you blog? You should be! Unique content on your website will always get you more traffic, and the easiest way to do this is by having a blog & updating it regularly. Don’t know what to blog about? Check out HubSpots awesome blog content idea generator! CLICK HERE
After all, you know who your audience is, just don’t forget that with every written word you’re actually talking to them on a personal level.
When selling a product or a service, you’ll need to create a sense of urgency. In other words, make them feel like they need to buy now.
Always have a client attraction plan even when you’re busy. Don’t wait until you NEED them to try and attract them, it’s too late then! Some of the best new clients come from your current customers, so, have a referral system in place. Know when and how you are going to ask for a referral. Then follow up.
Get to know your current clients. The more you know about them, the more you’ll be able to personalise your services and tailor make their experience.
Our last bit of advice…
Even the best marketing can’t fix bad customer service
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