Feb 2015Wrapsimo E-Commerce Site Launch
We’ve launched the Wrapsimo website! Wrapsimo is a manufacturer and retailer of ladies’ wrap dresses based in Dorset. They wanted a comprehensive website to sell their dresses, advertising they offer trade sales as well as showcasing tips & hints on wrap dresses, style and inspirational blogs, along with an editorial feel to the whole site. For this site we offered Photography of the products, SEO onpage so...
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Feb 2015New Commissions for 2015 – Morris Plumbing, Maz Entertainments and Domestic Angels Social Media
We’ve been working super hard here at DH Websites HQ. We’ve got 2 new website design commissions and more Social Media work! We’ve been working on Domestic Angels Facebook Social Media for the past few months with some fantastic results, and are now updating their Twitter and Google + Social Media accounts too! We are now currently working on www.mazents.co.uk, Mazmister Entertainments a local DJ &...
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Nov 2014New Commissions – Wrapsimo, Power Learners and STA Chartered Surveyors
It’s been a very busy few weeks, we’ve taken on even more commissions which we are currently working on including; Wrapsimo A slick, modern & minimal eComerce site “for ladies who loves wrap dresses” Power Learners Computer Coding Courses for adults & kids in Southbourne, Bournemouth. Sta UK Ltd Chartered Surveyors based in Brockenhurst, Hampshire.

Nov 2014Southbourne Social Media
We regularly update the Southbourne-on-Sea Facebook, Twitter and Website (which we also built!) We’ve also created their updated Logo, based around their original. As well as organising printing of feather banner, and creating their design. We have also implemented bespoke cover designs, Bespoke Tabs on the Facebook Page to fit in with branding colours on the Facebook Page. The current average Facebook Reach is between 900...
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Nov 2014Domestic Angels Social Media Competitions Success
We have recently been running some competitions for Southbourne based cleaning company Domestic Angels, on their Facebook page. Over the past 3 months we have run 2 separate competitions where we have reached 8000+ and 5500+ views, with 51 new likes and an average reach increase of daily posts by 20%

Oct 2014New Business Website for Carpet Cleanse
We’ve been working on the Carpet Cleanse website for a few weeks now, Neal decided it was time to set up his own business and chose us to do his website. As a new business, we had no previous information to go on, so all copy and business photography was brand new. We also took some business head shots and some imagery for use on the website,...
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Oct 2014New look for the 3d Print House, Southbourne
The 3d Print House is a shop front service business on Seabourne Road in Southbourne. When they first set up their business they got a friend to put a website together, where something was never quite right with it. They were now at the point in their business growth where they needed something that suited their brand, told customers exactly who they were and...
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Oct 2014Updated look of Studio Shotz Website
We first build the Studio Shotz Photography website last year, but it was time for an upgrade – just to keep the business as it transformed from a high street studio to a boutique home based business in a different town. We kept the overall monochrome look of the site the same, but just upgraded a few elements such as the sliders on the front...
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Oct 2014Elite Technologies Website now live!
I met Sarah back in May when I (Zelda!) was a finalist of the Venus Woman’s Awards right here in Dorset. Since winning her category, Mother of the Year, she has found the confidence to set up her own IT business, Elite Technologies! and she very kindly asked us to build her a website for her new venture. We wanted to give her something slick,...
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Oct 2014The Interiors Boutique E-Commerce Site now live
We’re so happy to announce that we have now launched The Interiors Boutiques brand new website! The eCommerce design enables visitors to quickly search & navigate the site for the items they wish to find whether by colour, materials or cost. We have also incorporated a wishlist and upsells including sets of products that sit well together to encourage customers to purchase multiple items....
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